This post is part of a series on limiting beliefs. Stay tuned for future posts!
In this post on limiting beliefs, I want to talk about a common one I hear from nonprofit professionals: the fear that their story doesn’t matter.
As nonprofit professionals, we have the power to make a real difference in the lives of those we serve and in our communities in general. Given the nature of this work, people can and will learn something from you because they’re listening to you and what you have to say.
Just on the basis of that alone: Your story matters!
Finding the value in your story
Building your confidence when telling your story
To successfully share your story, you need to understand and appreciate the value in it. You also need to stop talking yourself out of sharing it. The more confidence you have in your story and the more often you tell it, the more powerful it becomes.
To tell a story that attracts, inspires, and influences action, you need to start by tackling the self-limiting belief I mentioned above. In order to do this, you need to start by telling yourself that your story matters and keep telling yourself that until you believe it.
Say it out loud: My story matters. My story is worth telling.
You may have to get up every morning and repeat that mantra when you get dressed for your job—a job that has a positive impact on the world—and that’s OK! Repeat it until you believe it.
Remember: Shrinking away from your story or giving off the vibe that you don’t believe that it matters will come across clear as day. When telling your story, keep your head up, keep your chest open, and speak up.
Share your struggles
On that note, in order to have confidence in your story, you need to confront what you’re anxious about when it comes to telling it. Maybe you’re anxious about sharing the struggles you’ve faced because you don’t want to appear to be a victim. Maybe you’re worried that those negative experiences, misfortunes, or mistreatments will come to define you.
But the fact is, those struggles are a part of your story. They had a role in shaping you into who you are today. You can’t fully embrace and have confidence in your story if you ignore these things, no matter how painful they are. This doesn’t mean you have to love them, but you do need to accept them.
Everything you’ve experienced has brought value to your life; you’ve learned something from the good and the bad. Those are the things that have equipped you to do your job and serve others. This is why your story is your greatest asset. You may take your knowledge and lessons for granted because they’re so ingrained in you and who you are, but they could influence others in a profound way.
Consider how your struggles have taught you life lessons that could benefit someone else if they hear them. Consider how your struggles have shaped your character and your compassion. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable—share them!
Focus on the right audience for your story
Maybe you’re worried about how your story will be received. Here’s something important to keep in mind: Your story isn’t for everybody so let go of that expectation. Focus instead on the fact that your story is for somebody and remember that that person needs to hear what you have to say.
More than that, your words and actions will land in places you never realize and ones you may never even know about. Your voice will create a ripple effect you never imagined.
All you have to do is start telling your story—confidently, proudly, and honestly.
The post How to Overcome the Fear That Your Story Doesn’t Matter in Order to Better Serve Your Nonprofit and Your Community appeared first on Bloomerang.
This article originally appeared in Bloomerang. See the original article here.